
Graphic production forms a long-standing and significant part of HuskMitnavn's artistic oeuvre. The exhibition Med tryk på by HuskMitNavn, which has been created in close collaboration with the artist himself, is the first, large, retrospective presentation of HuskMitNavn's work with lithography, serigraphy, copper printing and woodcuts. In addition silkscreens, created in batches, are mounted in frames with hand-drawn details on the frames themselves. A typical and rather saying move for HuskMitNavn, because he thereby gives the relationship between uniqueness and mass production an autonomous dispute.

Read more here (in Danish)

6. februar - 19. oktober 2025

The opening reception is Wednesday February 5. 2025. 16.00 and is open for all.

Kastrupgaard Samlingen
Kastrupvej 399
2770 Kastrup