Ghost Current
Glen Baldridge, Colby Bird, Patrick Brennan, Graham Collins, Ned Colclough, Steven Cox, Georgia Dickie, Chris Duncan, Hilary Harnischfeger, Sara Greenberger Rafferty, Rachel Foullon, Ted Gahl, Karl Haendel, Adam Helms, Jeremy Jansen, Matt Kenny, Lauren Luloff, Augustus Nazzaro, Hilary Pecis & Ryan Wallace.
Curated by Ryan Wallace
Ghost Current is a conversation about artist, object, image, intention, appropriation, context and meaning. This diverse group eschews current trends in favor of sui generis invention within the chosen fields of the artists. Spanning the genres of photography, sculpture, painting, drawing and collage, each work in Ghost Current is begun with something found.
Where appropriation and the readymade seek to bring new contexts to images and objects, the works in Ghost Current employ these as catalysts for new pieces. Here, a chunk of Quartz, a paint stirring stick or a buck saw are not placed in a setting to achieve new meaning, rather, they become the crux around which sculptures and paintings are built. The augmentations achieve familiar entries, but the “pictures” and “things” are no longer accessible as the original. In this regard the exhibition looks to shed light upon creative impetus rather than social history or contextualization. As ghost current may flow when the power has been cut, the objects and images taken as starting points continue to exude their own energies, now as conduits of the artists.
Wallace states: “I started curating the exhibition with two distinct groups in mind, as I did studio visits and reviewed works, it wasn’t as clearly delineated/definable as I expected. While images sourced from movie posters are clearly photographic, and a ceramic tile is clearly material, questions arose in other works. How to categorize a sun bleached exposure on fabric, or a remodeled thrift store painting of a tiger; as an object or an image? In this way, the gallery will be divided into two areas; the lower level filled with those works that are drawing most clearly from photographic imagery, the ground level spaces being a blend of the clearly object influence pieces and those that aren’t so clearly categorized.”