V1 Gallery Presents
A solo exhibition by HuskMitNavn
On view in V1 Gallery’s gallery II
Throughout his multidisciplinary career HuskMitNavn has actively explored the space between content and context. In sculpture, in site specific public and private murals and installations, in museum and gallery settings, in books and on digital platforms. He is a master at creating a dynamic relation between artwork, architecture and platform. Letting the setting and relation influence the content and vice versa. For several years he has actively engaged the digital application Instagram with hand drawn black line drawings. Using only A4 sized white paper, a black marker and a camera, he has created elaborate trompe l’oeil compositions (Instagram @huskmitnavn1). In Framework HuskMitNavn challenges himself to reengage and reexamine the most basic artistic formats - paper and canvas. In 15 new works he lets frame and material play an active part in the composition. A wooden frame becomes the totem an unlucky explorer in a safari helmet is tied to awaiting his destiny in the boiling black pot (Dinner Time, 2017). Another wooden frame is eaten by the protagonist – a hungry beaver (The Beaver, 2017). In a series of intricate compositions on canvas, fictional stretcher bars are transformed to window frames in a play between background and foreground. By twisting the framework for the simple materials, new ideas and possibilities arise. Drawings and paintings spread from canvas and paper and appropriate the frame into the artwork in unexpected and ingenious ways. Framework is a playful exhibition challenging both artist and viewer.
HuskMitNavn (b.1975) lives and works in Copenhagen. HuskMitNavn has chosen to remain anonymous throughout his career as he would rather have people focus on his work instead of him. Interestingly HuskMitNavn has become one of the most recognized and celebrated contemporary Danish artists with more than a 100.000 followers around the globe on Instagram. He actively uses the medium to promote and instigate creativity. His artist books are being published around the world and his distinct socially conscious practice is resonating with a wide audience beyond Danish shores. He has recently exhibited at MIMA Museum, Brussels, Belgium, Heerup Museum, Rødovre, Denmark, Nordic Contemporary, Paris, France. Concurrently with Framework HuskMitNavn has created a second solo exhibition titled Work It that will be on display in V1 Gallery’s main gallery. Work It is an elaborate exhibition with 34 works on canvas, paper and a sculptural installation examining our contemporary work lifestyle. HuskMitNavn and V1 Gallery have collaborated for 15 years. Framework and Work It marks his 7th and
8th solo exhibitions with the gallery.