HuskMitNavn is a multidisciplinary artist creating large-scale installations, extensive works in public, works on canvas and paper and beyond, sculpture, various print types, artist multiples and books.
HuskMitNavn (RememberMyName) has chosen to remain anonymous throughout his career, preferring the spotlight on his works rather than person. Interestingly he has become one of the most recognized and celebrated contemporary Danish artists with more than 200,000 followers around the globe on Instagram. He actively uses the medium to promote and instigate creativity. His artist books have been published around the world and it seems his distinct socially conscious practice resonates with a wide audience beyond Danish shores.
Born 1975 in Denmark
Lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark
Alive, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denamark
The Big Picture, Savina Museum, Seoul, South Korea
Vanishing Points, Charlotte Fogh Contemporary, Aarhus, Denmark
Under the Same Sky, Beyond the Streets, Los Angeles, US
The Missing Pieces, Eighteen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Signs of Life, Eighteen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Days Like These, Charlotte Fogh Contemporary, Aarhus, Denmark
Tegn, Nikolaj Kunsthal, Copenhagen Denmark
Work It, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
Framework, V1 Gallery II, Copenhagen, Denmark
Print Show, Make Your Mark Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
Solo, Wheelock Square, Shanghai, China
Dad, Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Aarhus, Denmark
Morning, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
New Drawings, V1 Gallery II, Copenhagen, Denmark
Cruel Summer, Jonathan LeVine Gallery, New York, US
Please Come Back, Linköping kunsthal, Linköping, Sweden
Here is Somewhere Else, Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Aarhus, Denmark
The Hanging (with Mike Swaney), Ruttkowski68, Cologne, Germany
One of These Days, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
Fra Værksted til Værk, A Retrospecktive, KØS Museum of Art in the Public Spaces, Køge, Denmark
HuskMitNavn, Allegra LaVioale Gallery, New York, US
Alone Together, Charlotte Fogh Contemporary, Aarhus, Denmark
Fake IDs (with Horfee) Gallery Steinsland Berliner, Stockholm, Sweden
The Last Night (with Barry McGee) A.L.I.C.E. Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
Mens Vi Venter på Opsvinget, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
New Prints, Schäfer Grafisk Værksted, Copenhagen, Denmark
Fra vugge til grav, Charlotte Fogh Contemporary, Aarhus, Denmark
It Takes Two, LaViolaBank Gallery, New York, US
WokStore, RememberMyName, Milan, Italy
København Søges, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
Prints and Beyond, Vicious Gallery, Hamburg, Germany
A day in the life of a fool, A.L.I.C.E. Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
Tåstrup, Charlotte Fogh Contemporary, Aarhus, Denmark
Your Cartoon Neighbours, Allamanna Galleriet, Stockholm, Sweden
MuhameDANSK, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
The Future is a Thing of the Past, Galerie Knoth n Krüger, Berlin, Germany
FashIoN, Royal Cheese, Paris, France
Illustreret Lidenskab, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
Hva´så kælling, skal du have en smirnoff ice?, Rust, Copenhagen, Denmark
Bøger skal ses i biografen, Nørrebro Bibliotek, Copenhagen, Denmark
Mad stiller Sulten, Den Grafiske Højskole, Copenhagen, Denmark
Bjarne Lillers klæbeånd, Tjilli Pop, Copenhagen, Denmark
V1 XX - Twenty years of V1 Gallery, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
Art Herning, Group Presentation with V1 Gallery, Herning, Denmark
MINE IV, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
MINE III, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
The Birds, CHART Art Fair with V1 Gallery, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark
Beyond the Streets, Los Angeles, US
Locker Room Summer Salon, Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Aarhus, DK
Four Conversations, HVW8 Gallery, Berlin, DE
MINE, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, DK
Art is Comic, Mima Museum, Brussels, Belgium
Linjen – Haring, Heerup, HuskMitNavn, Penck & Retna, Heerup Museum, Rødovre, Denmark
Character, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen Denmark
13, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
The Nude Show, Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Aarhus, Denmark
Mapping the City, Sommerset House, London, UK
Group show, Le Fix Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
Selfie, Gallery Steinsland Berliner, Stockholm, Sweden
All Types of Characters, Joshua Liner Gallery, New York, US
Surface, Allouche Gallery, New York, US
Group show, Winterlong Gallery, Niort, France
The Nude Show, Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Aarhus
Inaugural Exhibition, Allouche Gallery, New York, US
Knock Knock, Galeria Javier Lopez, Madrid, Spain
Cruel summer, Jonathan Levine Gallery, New York, US
Grand Opening, Allouche Gallery, New York, US
Duck Show, Greenpoint terminal Gallery, New York, US
Gisp, Norden Hus, Thorshavn, the Faroe Island
Group show, A.L.I.C.E. Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
Vejen, Nivågaards Malerisamling, Nivå, Denmark
Et Brask spark, Munkeruphus, Denmark
Birthday show, Steinsland Berliner Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden
Nudes, Guerrero Gallery, San Fransisco, US
Future Memory, Hellerau, Dresden, Germany
SMÆK!, Storm P. Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark
Beef or Chicken, curated by Jesper Elg, The Hole Gallery, New York, US
New Nordic – Architecture and Identity, Louisiana, Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, Denmark
Secret Garden, Ny Dansk kunst i Thurahs barokhave, Gl. Holtegaard, Holte, Denmark
Visit Tingbjerg, Contemporary Arts Festival, Tingbjerg, Denmark
An Øje at The Hole, curated by Jens Peter Brask, The Hole Gallery, Bowery, New York, US
Urban Art at the End of the World, Vardø, Norway
Domesticated Souls, Alice Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
Grand Opening, Charlotte Fogh Contemporary, Aarhus, Denmark
September Group Show, Guerrero Gallery, San Fransisco, US
Sweatboxing, MAMA, Rotterdam, Holland
Hang The Prints, Bondegatan 70, Stockholm, Sweden
Status – Somewhere between position and Condition, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
Con Amore. ARoS Museum of Art, Aarhus, Denmark
I was satisfied as a young wizard, MIR, Oslo, Norway
Album, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
Summer 10, Charlotte Fogh Contemporary, Copenhagen, Denmark
En hilsen til Ib Geertsen, Danske Grafikers Hus, Copenhagen, Denmark
The Last Night. By Barry McGee & HuskMitNavn, Alice Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
To The Road Less Travelled, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Die Welt als Bühne, N.K.B, Berlin, Germany
Winter show, Charlotte Fogh Contemporary, Aarhus, Denmark
B-Huset på Overgaden, Copenhagen, Denmark
Street Art, Inspiration, Vejle Kunstmuseum, Vejle Art Museum, Denmark
Ryk-Ind (move-in), Overgaden, Institute of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen
Edition Copenhagen 1959 – 2009, Den Fri Center of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, Denmark
Human Nature, Charlotte Fogh Contemporary, Copenhagen, Denmark
Wood Pushers, Hecklewood, Portland, US
News of the Day, Galleri Slugen, Esbjerg, Denmark
Destruction of Atlantis, Union Gallery, London, UK
Brickism, WoodWood, Copenhagen, Denmark
Year 1, LaViolaBank, New York, US
U-turn, (on Walls) Sønder Boulevard/Rådhuspladsen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Images of Resistance, Århus Kunstbygning, Aarhus, Denmark
Icons for Now, Charlotte Fogh Contemporary, Aarhus, Denmark
From thought to Action, Roskilde Festivalen, Roskilde, Denmark
Catalog, Charlotte Fogh Contemporary, Aarhus, Denmark
56°N, 10°E, Museo De San Carlos, Mexico City
2007 Coupling, Charlotte Fogh Contemporary, Aarhus, Denmark
Comix, Brandts kunsthal, Odense Denmark
Going to Bed, Heaven Gallery, Chicago
Comix Brandts, Odense, Denmark
There is a U in US, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
The secret fire escape, My Hero Gallery, Montréal, Canada
The dog show, Wurst Gallery, Portland, US
Mad Love, ARKEN, Ishøj, Denmark
Match Race, Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum, Aalborg, Denmark
Backjumps the live issue, part 3, Bethanien / Kunstraum Kreutzberg, Berlin
Take away summer, Charlotte Fogh Contemporary, Aarhus, Denmark
Paper Trails, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen
I skumringen, Larm Galleri, Copenhagen
Said and Done, Traveling exhibition, US
Hit and run, Charlotte Fogh Contemporary, Århus Denmark
Hit and Run, Det lille antikvariat, Århus Denmark
10, AX12 Gallery, Copenhagen
Danish-Framing the Future of Danish Design, Dansk Design Center, Copenhagen
Generation Vacation, Oslo, Stockholm, Lund, Helsinki
Between, Råhuset, Copenhagen, Denmark
Sneaker Stories, Norse Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
Dirty Dansk, Råhuset, Copenhagen, Denmark
Copenhagen Blow Up, Mymälä2, Helsinki ,Finland
Sommerudstilling, V1Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
Afar, Råhuset, Copenhagen, Denmark
Generation Vacation, Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Malmö, Sweden
Danish Posters-over the past 10 years, Osaka & Tokyo
Everwanting Streets, Röda sten, Gothenburg, Sweden
A Celebration of Rebellion, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
Dishwasher Safe, The Wurst Gallery, Portland, US
Tegninger, Kopenhagen Shop, Copenhagen, Denmark
Say would you fancy a game of tennis? Copenhagen, Denmark
Backjumps the live issue, Urban Art Info, Berlin, Germany
Ghetto Modeuge, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
Kvindelig Bassist Søges, Vega, Copenhagen, Denmark
Ask for Trouble, Urban Art Info, Berlin, Germany
Loveplace, Huset, Copenhagen, Denmark
Contemplation Room, Ovengaden, Copenhagen, Denmark
Byen Brænder, Copenhagen, Denmark
Kunstnernes efterårs udstilling, Den frie, Copenhagen, Denmark
Castle vs. Le fix, Copenhagen, Denmark
Vestas, Novozymes, Roskilde festivalen, Vega, Distortion festivalen, Tusindfryd Ålborg, Nykøbing F. Festuge, Kaffadeli, Teaterstykket Mæh, Tjilli Pop, Det Kongelige Teater, Arvika festivalen Sverige, Månefiskeren Christiania, Mungo Park Teater, 2’Hand Records, fritidshjemmet Rumraketten, Visit Danmark, Café Fliesen, Stars Vordingborg, Plot, Backjumps Berlin, Kosmopolite Festival Paris, Asphalte Festival Charleroi,, Righshospitalet, Dyvekeskolen, Sorø Privatskole, Kofoed Skole, Næstved Kommune, Linköping Kunsthal, Sønderborg Statsskole, Det danske hus i Palæstina, Vardø Norge, Prismen Café, KØS Museum, Biblioteket Rentemestervej, ill Café Stockholm, Central Hotel og Café
Statens Museum for Kunst, The National Museum of Fine Arts, Denmark
Dansk Plakatmuseum, Danish Postermuseum, Aarhus, Denmark
Kunstindustrimuseet, Danish Museum of Art and Design, Denmark
ARoS Museum of Modern Art, Aarhus, Denmark
Ud & Se, Politiken, Det Kongelige Teater, Forlaget Samlerne, Moskito, Vega, Victor B. Andersens Maskinfabrik, Social Kritik, Rapspot, Jagtvejens Ungdomshus, Reflextioner, RodeoMag, Döner Magasin, Kulturo, Wad Mag France, Copenhagen Jazz Festival, Ampere, Wonderland Magazine, Eurowoman, Roskilde Festivalen, Between Magazine Norway, Galleri Edition, Forlaget Hovedland, Berlingske Tidende, Tænk, En opskrift på fred
WoodWood, Castle CPH, Henrik Vibskov, Urban New York, Rust, Norse, Sixpack France, Imperfect articles
HuskMitNavn, Papirarbejde, Gyldendal, 2016
HuskMitNavn, Offline, Schäfer Grafisk Værksted, 2013
HuskMitNavn, Sort Arbejde, 2010
HuskMitNavn, København Søges. Own Publication, 2008
HuskMitNavn 2, Borgens Forlag, 2007
Marie Mamonia, En opskrift på fred, Herold, 2007
HuskMitNavn, Politikens Forlag, 2006
People Who Owe Me Money, Own Publication, 2004
Dagen, Arena, 2003