V1 Gallery proudly presents
Paper Trails - New Adventures in Drawing
A group exhibition with:
Søren Behncke/Papfar (DK), Jakob Boeskov (DK), Able Brown (US), Troels Carlsen (DK), Clayton Brothers (US), Richard Colman (US), Christopher Davison (US), Dearraindrop (US), Rob Doran (US), Claus Ejner (DK), Maya Hayuk (US), Kim Hiorthøy (N), HuskMitNavn (DK), Jason Jägel (US), Todd James (US), Butt Johnson (US), Daniel Johnston (US), Misaki Kawai (JAP/US), Carl Krull (DK), Noah Lyon (US), Ashley Macomber (US), Taylor McKimens (US), Travis Millard (US), Andrei Molodkin (RU/FR), Andreas Nilsson (S), Robyn O'Neil (US), David Shrigley (UK), Damon Strider (US), Justin B. Williams (US) and Thomas Hallas Øvlisen
A drawing is not only ink on paper. This is why V1 Gallery has gathered a long line of prominent and up-and-coming international artists to size up the state of drawing in 2007. For some of the artists drawing is their first language, for others it is an artistic instrument in the toolbox of creative paraphernilia. The different approaches to the media has resulted in a highly heterogeneous expression, where pencil on paper is seen side by side with video, ballpoint pen on canvas, marker on cardboard, guache on tree, marker on note paper and more.
With Paper Trails - New Adventures in Drawing V1 Gallery paints a portrait of a modern way of expression and at the same time the exhibition emphasises the diversity the drawing as a medium possesses. The result is a salient illustration of both the artists and to a great extend also of our contemporary society - abstract and realistic, political og escapist, personal and anonymous, parts and wholes, black / white and colour.
The visitor can enjoy a mental picnic with the feted outsider Daniel Johnston, wonder over shooting star Richard Colman's enigmatic and timeless universe, consume in Justin William's gloomy America, dance around Maya Hayuk's trippy totems, read up on the world history with Claus Ejner and explore the influential Claytons Brothers' exploding vortexes of animated movement, product placement and melancholic creatures. Furthermore one can for the first time in Scandinavia meet critics' darling Robyn O'Neil, Bonnie Prince Billy's good friend and collaborator Able Brown and the contemporary critic and commentator Andrei Molodkin and his monumental ballpoint pen portrait of Bush. Moreover you can see works from Europe by the discrete Norwegian star Kim Hiorthøy, the popular Scotsman David Shrigley and the cutting-edge Swedish installation artist Andreas Nilsson (also known as The Knife's visual wizard).
Paper Trails - New Adventures in Drawing consists of tv's and timber, paper (mache) and photos, canvas and cardboard. The exhibition is curated by Nanna Thylstrup and Jesper Elg.