Derek Aylward’s figurative language builds on a long lineage of expressive painting, you sense Pablo Picasso, Willem de Kooning, Daniel Johnston, Rose Wylie and Eddie Martinez in the conversation. His expression is imbued with an unrestrained immediacy and joy in painting, creating images that feel radical and classic, intuitive and free, while equally laborious and carefully composed, with a sense of concern for both protagonists and vessels, the stupid and the important. In the world with you.
Born 1976 in Boston , MA
Lives and works in Cambridge, MA
V1 XX - Twenty years of V1 Gallery, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
Gone Fishing, Eighteen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Art Herning, V1 Gallery, Herning, DK
MINE III, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
Peanuts, Eighteen, Copenhagen, Denmark
JOLLY CROWN, Able Baker Contemporary Gallery, Portland, ME
Derek Aylward, Sorry We’re Closed Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
The Avant-Garde Won’t Give Up: Cobra and Its Legacy, curated by Alison M. Gingeras, Blum & Poe, Los Angeles, CA
Drive By Projects Anniversary Show, Watertown, MA
Go Figure, Dodge Gallery, NY, NY
I Am Who I Am. The Portrait Reconsidered, Steven Zevitas Gallery, Boston, MA
The Guerrero Gallery Group Show, The Guerrero Gallery, San Francisco, CA
The Boat Show, BK Projects, Watertown, MA
King of Spain, 3rd Ward, BK, NY
This is Boston Not LA, curated by Emily Isenburg, Lamontagne Gallery, Boston, MA
Glass Houses curated by Eddie Martinez, Werkstatte Gallery, NY, NY
Tricycle, Space 242, Boston, MA
We Are Near, curated by Eddie Martinez, Allston Skirt, Boston, MA
The Lord of the FIies, National Gallery of Hondurus, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
The Wurstminster Dog Show, The Wurst Gallery, Portland, Oregon
Don't Abandon The Ship, curated by Eddie Martinez, Allston Skirt Gallery, Boston
Mini-Carrot Experience, Loyal Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden
Books on Tape, curated by Emily Isenburg, Allston Skirt Gallery, Boston, MA
Drawing Show, Mills Gallery, Boston MA
The Russian Doll Show, curated by Eddie Martinez, traveling exhibit
Halloweeny Show, Evos Arts, Lowell MA
The Go Team, Johnsons Paint Gallery, Boston MA
We Are Custard, Art Market, Jamaica Plain, MA