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Works in process
Bringing her projects on the go, Kaalund’s work extends beyond the studio setting; you may find her crocheting in restaurants, airports, bars, nightclubs and hotel lobbies. Like an abstract diary, the artist never plans her work in advance, they grow from a few stitches into sprawling pieces guided by little else but intuition and the will and desire to create. Stitches become rows and rows become material witnesses to places, people, moods, events, and to the passing time itself. The exhibition lends its title from a dialogue in the American high school tv series Freaks and Geeks (1999 – 2000). Bringing her projects on the go, Kaalund’s work extends beyond the studio setting; you may find her crocheting in restaurants, airports, bars, nightclubs and hotel lobbies. Like an abstract diary, the artist never plans her work in advance, they grow from a few stitches into sprawling pieces guided by little else but intuition and the will and desire to create. Stitches become rows and rows become material witnesses to places, people, moods, events, and to the passing time itself.