Independent Rites
4 Video works on ritualistic behavior in various forms from:
Harmony Korine, Matthew Stone, Klara Lidén & Hanna Lidén, Jonah Freeman & Justin Lowe.
Harmony Korine U.S (b.1973)
Curb Dance (2011) sees Harmony Korine delivering a new style of tap dancing. While dancing away, Korine explains about his passion for the self-invented urban sport, which shares trademark lingo with other “urban sports”. Critically acclaimed auteur, artist and author Harmony Korine has had a great impact on independent art throughout the past decade. He has recently directed the short film Umshini Wam (bring me my machine gun) in collaboration with the South African band Die Ant Word, his latest feature film Thrash Humpers received the CPH DOX AWARD in 2009.
Matthew Stone U.K (b.1982)
In Bodies (2011), bodies float, full of life, in a silent weightless choreographed ritual. Akin to Stones earlier work there is an element of shamanistic practice in the piece. Bodies has an almost hypnotic effect, you loose yourself in fascination of the human body. Matthew Stone currently has a solo exhibition at The Hole in New York. He has recently taken part in Performa 11 and created an installation for the Orientale exhibition at this year’s Venice Biannual. The Sunday Times has named Matthew Stone the most influential British artist under 30. Matthew Stone will have his second solo exhibition with V1 Gallery in 2012.
Klara Lidén SE (1979) & Hanna Lidén SE (1976)
In Techno Battle (2007) the two Swedish sisters engage in a destructive ritualistic game of dodgeball. The work projects equal measures of apocalyptic comedy, anti status quo rage and punk relief. Both Hanna Liden and Klara Liden have received praise for their work. Klara Lidén has just been awarded the special Carnegie Award Grant, recently exhibited at Serpentine Gallery, London, The Venice Biennale and Moderna Museet, Stockholm. Hanna Lidén has recently shown at Maccarone, New York, and Salon 94, New York.
Jonah Freeman U.S (1975) & Justin Lowe U.S (1976)
A Selection of Pharmaceutical Advertisements from the San San International (2011) is a hallucinatory apocalyptic infomercial, in equal measures disturbing and soothing. The work is a visual trip through new age consumerism fueled by the powerful psychotropic drug Marasa – Haitian for the sacred twins of voodoo. It was recently, November 2011, included in Freeman and Lowe’s performance at The Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles. Freeman and Lowe have received critical acclaim for their large-scale installations Black Acid Co-op, Hello Meth Lab in the Sun and Bright White Underground.