
Listen to an insightful conversation between contemporary artist Lulama Wolf and Fatoş Üstek, writer, curator and author of 'The Art Institution of Tomorrow' – a forthcoming book scheduled for publication in April 2024. 

Featured as part of the talks progamme at Chart 2023 the conversation coincided with Lulama Wolf's exhibition Common Efforts - Intaka Yakha Ngoboya Benye, in dialogue with Sonja Ferlov Mancoba at Eighteen.

Lulama Wolf, who lives and works in Johannesburg, South Africa works the intersection of Neo-Expressionism and Modern African Art. Wolf interrogates the precolonial African experience through the contemporary mind by using smearing, scraping, and deep pigment techniques that were used in vernacular architecture, and the patterns created largely by women to decorate traditional African homes.

The talk covered everything from Wolf's unique approach to colour and figuration, to the influence of folklore and art history in her works, to what it means to have an introspective relationship with the world around you.

Dive into the full conversation now via all major podcast platforms including Apple Podcasts and Spotify here.

Photo by Teis Mortensen.