
"These Days Are Nameless is an exhibition of Geoff McFetridge’s three short videos from 2020 and the gouache works on paper used to animate them. The sounds and moving images included consider the curiosities of the human condition at the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic. Where are we going? How do we get there? Does it matter?

 In his typical minimalistic style, McFetridge draws on the familiar and the timeless- sounds of the city and of nature, sounds that transport you to different places and times. We hear, and we also see moving colours, shifting faces, flowing water, a dog barking or a cricket chirping, a pause, a thump, gentle music, static" - Contemporary Calgary 

Please visit Contemorary Calgary's website for more information here.

Geoff McFetridge
These Days Are Nameless (The Drive, The River, And Hills)
September 20 - October 29, 2023
Contemporary Calgary
#701 11th Street SW